What essential oils are good for skin

What essential oils are good for skin - Copper Pro

What essential oils are good for skin

Beauticians and doctors have long realized the benefits of the essential oils for the skin. These natural skincare products can compete with recent innovations in the cosmetology industry. There are a number of plants from which you can produce essential oils for the skin at home. Among them are

essential oils

  • lavender,
  • lemon,
  • lavender tea tree (rosalina),
  • frankincense,
  • helichrysum

These miraculous herbal preparations for skin treatment are extracted through steam distillation. Today it can be easily done at home using a copper steam distiller. Such essential oils have the best effect both for aromatherapy and for making therapeutic ointments.

distillation of essential oil

Natural components obtained by steam distillation can be used not only to combat aging skin and anti-wrinkles but also for the treatment of skin diseases – acne and scars. It’s hard to believe, but some essential oils can even reduce deep wrinkles and old scars, which modern medicine treats only surgically.

For example, helichrysum is incredibly cleansing, with each gram delivering antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory benefits. So the essential oil, producing from it, is an excellent anti-acne remedy. It is often used in blends for patients with oily or damaged skin.

essential oil beauty care


Frankincense essential oil is used mainly for the same purpose as helichrysum. It is able to restore skin that’s damaged and benefits for oily, dry, and combination skin. Frankincense essential oil tightens pores and refines the skin’s texture for a clearer, more radiant complexion.

essential oil care

Praised for centuries for its healing properties, lavender oil is not only the most popular oil for aromatherapy but also a natural treatment for the skin. It supports all skin types and can help to relieve itchiness and skin irritation.

Being incredibly stimulate, lemon essential oil brightens, hydrates the skin and reduces the effects of oxidative stress on it. Its components possess antiseptic properties and thanks to that it can treat and clear skin.

lemon oil


 A lot of people often ask: “Can the essential oil be used on skin?” or “What essential oils are good for skin?”. There are many plants from which, using a copper steam distiller, it is possible to produce real skin medicine.


 esssential oil distiller kit

With the proper dilution, these essential oils can be very useful for various problems and diseases. Before using, an allergy test has to be performed. Also, it is important to dilute concentrated essential oils. For this purpose, coconut oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil can be used.

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