To register in our affiliate program, you need to take the following steps:
1. Follow the link
2. Enter your first name, last name, email, and create a password for your account
3. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your email address
4, After your data is confirmed, you will receive an email with a short video on how to use the platform
You can also watch the video here
5. A link will be created for you in your account, which you can share.
If within 30 days after clicking on the link we see that there will be a purchase - the system will credit you with bonuses from 4% to 20% per order.
Affiliate will get 4% from the affiliated order when there is any sale on the website.
Order made at a regular price will bring 15% to the affiliate. Once there will be 10 any distiller sold one through some affiliate, the bonus will reach 20%, when sold at regular price.
6. Go to the tab: Settings - Profile, and customize your profile: add a photo, extended information about yourself, contact information, and additional information. This is necessary so that we can see who you are, what you do and, if necessary, contact you personally.
7. In the "Payments" tab, choose one of the payment methods convenient for you.
8. Amounts will be paid out by Copperpro company once it reaches 300 USD or upon the request of the affiliate within 7 days.